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Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN) works closely with media companies particularly in the sustainability, ecotourism, responsible tourism, and travel space for prompt and accurate dissemination of our news. This includes AEN’s industry contributions, conferences and events as well as developments arising from our network in Asia and beyond.
If your organization is keen to collaborate with AEN as a long-term media partner, do get in touch with us. At least three articles on AEN per year should be committed before we can consider the possibility of a media partnership. Articles may be in the form of profile interview, featured story, news update and more.
Application for media partnership can be found here that requests more information about the nature of your media, its readership and coverage. Do contact our media representative should you have any questions at all about becoming a media partner with AEN.
Requests for interview with any AEN Board Member or information on AEN can also be made through our media representative.
Gaia Discovery
Asia Pacific
Gaia Discovery promotes sustainable tourism through highly engaging content on its online publication. Since 2008, millions of readers worldwide have appreciated the original and in-depth articles written on sustainability, ecology, conservation, tourism and culture in Asia Pacific. The independent media operates on a profit-for-purpose model in support of environmental education and conservation. Offices are based in Singapore and Australia.
Ecotourism World
Finland/ Japan
Ecotourism World is an information media that transmits information related to ecotourism or sustainable tourism in the world, sharing the knowledge of ecotourism, its benefits, possibilities and availability to the public. A must see for those who like to travel, love nature and want to be friendly to the environment! Our goal is to raise awareness about ecotourism or sustainable travel, both globally and locally. In doing so, we hope to inspire others, as well as ourselves, to make more conscious tourism decisions, thereby contributing to the conservation of nature and small communities in all parts of the world.
Forum Natura es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, fundada en el 1996, editora de la publicación Natour magazine, especializada en turismo sostenible, ecoturismo, destinos verdes, turismo y cambio climático, turismo rural, turismo y desarrollo rural. Forum Natura, tiene un equipo técnico, con profesionales de gran trayectoria (seniors y juniors) que funciona en red en diferentes países de Europa, Américas, Australia, África, y Asia, aportando soluciones técnicas para el desarrollo y gestión del turismo sostenible en todas sus facetas. Lo conforman Biólog@s, economistas, ingenier@s, geógrafos, graduados en turismo, periodistas, expertos en cooperación al desarrollo, marketing digital, comunicación, etc. Apuesta por la reinvención, resiliencia y se basa en la innovación y creatividad para conseguir sus objetivos: Sostenibilidad y Competitividad
“Los temas ambientales y sociales son centrales, para el desempeño de las empresas en el siglo XXI.

YeeGetaway is a unique travel content brand from Bhutan that showcases unseen destinations, stories, culture and travel experiences in Bhutan. Led by travel content/documentary filmmaker PemC, you’ll read interesting and unique travel stories that also explore the themes of immersive culture, Buddhist history, mythology, sustainable tourism, food, agro tourism, environmental conservation and climate change. Unlike most travel content websites, the content on YeeGetaway is a combination of travel recommendations and also researched documentation of people, culture, place showcasing a more indepth look into Bhutan for travelers who wish to explore beyond a basic itinerary. The blogs and videos are a combination of travelogs hosted and led by PemC and in depth articles and documentaries in partnership with agencies like the Tourism Council of Bhutan, WWF, UNDP Bhutan, Department of Forests and Park Services, etc.YeeGetaway content is for the unique traveler who wishes to explore and learn about Bhutan beyond what a traditional itinerary shares. It is for the traveler who wishes to experience the history, mythical stories, culture, food and nature of the Kingdom of Bhutan through a more nuanced perspective that enriches the travel journey into Bhutan. There’s more to travel in Bhutan than just visiting a Dzong.
Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN) works closely with media companies particularly in the sustainability, ecotourism, responsible tourism, and travel space for prompt and accurate dissemination of our news. This includes AEN’s industry contributions, conferences and events as well as developments arising from our network in Asia and beyond.
If your organization is keen to collaborate with AEN as a long-term media partner, do get in touch with us. At least three articles on AEN per year should be committed before we can consider the possibility of a media partnership. Articles may be in the form of profile interview, featured story, news update and more.
Application for media partnership can be found here that requests more information about the nature of your media, its readership and coverage. Do contact our media representative should you have any questions at all about becoming a media partner with AEN.
Requests for interview with any AEN Board Member or information on AEN can also be made through our media representative.
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Media listed here are partners of AEN
Asia Sustainable Travel Briefing
A joint initiative by Sainha and Travel Asia Now to serve up agenda-setting analysis & advice for Asia’s sustainability-led travel & hospitality professionals, executives and entrepreneurs. We are a digital media network that provides companies with insights to make smart decisions on sustainable travel in Asia. We aim to inspire and inform our audience of the positive impact of sustainable travel business practices on our channels.
Sainha: a sustainability and marketing advisory for next-gen travel and hospitality brands. Travel Asia Now: a travel and lifestyle digital magazine featuring Asia’s top destinations, hotels and resorts, wellness and spa, wining and dining, arts and culture, among other travel-related topics.
Sustainability Leaders United

Florian Kaefer, PhD is the founder of Sustainability Leaders United (SLU), the leading knowledge platform on tourism sustainability and leadership. Over the past eight years, he has profiled some of the most successful destinations on the platform and interviewed more than 250 sustainability changemakers and sustainable tourism champions. Many of them are now part of the expert panel hosted by SLU, whose insights are published quarterly on Sustainability-Leaders.com. Florian - born and raised in Southwest Germany - earned his doctorate from Waikato University Management School in New Zealand (management communications). He holds a master's degree in sustainable development (University of Exeter, UK) and a bachelor's degree in tourism management (University of Brighton, UK). His book, Sustainability Leadership in Tourism: Interviews, Insights and Knowledge from Practice, was published by Springer in summer 2022. Also published by Springer (2021), "An Insider's Guide to Place Branding: Shaping the Identity and Reputation of Cities, Regions, Countries." In addition to his work as publisher of Sustainability-Leaders.com and The Place Brand Observer (PlaceBrandObserver.com), Florian advises destinations and companies on sustainability strategy, communication and brand storytelling. As a speaker, he delivers workshops and presentations on success strategies and trends associated with the sustainable development of tourism, as well as the promotion of destinations and business locations. Florian lives with his young family near Chur, Switzerland.
Jose Kalathil
Jose Kalathil is a New Delhi-based senior journalist. He has worked in various publications in India and abroad. During the last four decades of his career, he has visited several countries on the invitation of either of their Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Bureau of Tourism. He now contributes regularly to many publications in India, Nepal and Saudi Arabia. His articles on tourism, tourist destinations, climate change, bio diversity, environment, pollution, wild life, nature etc. have wider readership. Moreover, he is comfortable in writing on any subject under the sun.